Monday, September 12, 2011


Written by Adam

Ten years ago I entered my Copyright Law class, sat down and prepared for an hour of lecture. Then I overheard another student say, "we've just been attacked." It took a little time for the student body to gather in the lounge and witness the events unfolding on the newscast.

After the second tower collapsed, I was in the car making the hour long commute home. It was an unbelievable day of shock, anger and dismay. Shock that fanatics think innocent lives are expendable. Anger that something so heinous had happened. Dismay for what we knew the future held.

At first we did not know how to process the event, or what to do next. Within a few days we had an idea. Our reaction to the uncertainty and disbelief was to go camping in Vermont. 

You went camping at a time of crisis? Yes, that is exactly what we did. The essence of our trip was to step back and ground ourselves before deciding how to move forward. The world was going off the rails, so we jumped off the train for a bit to make sure we were headed in the right direction.
It was the best thing to do. It was quiet, beautiful, solemn and appropriate. At the time, we did not have WIFI, laptops, or smartphones. We were able to freely meditate, without undue distraction or influence.
The trip reminded us that there is a sunrise and a sunset. Mountains can be climbed or not. You can take a hike or turn around if the trail isn't right for you. Backpacks with three year old kids in them are heavy, but fun. Hot cocoa is always worth smiling about. 

Tomorrow is another day - make it everything you want it to be.
We went back to the woods yesterday. No long excursions in the Vermont mountains, just a quick hike to a favorite river that ran full and fast. We were alone in the forest with the river providing the melody of nature.

Emily plunged in and explored, challenging the current and herself. Heather and I sat on large boulders and watched. The dog swam and stank like old skunk and wet fur. There were no smart phones, lap tops, WIFI, radio or television. And it was just what we needed.
We pray for the hurt, the lost, and the broken. We lift up the needy, hold up the weak. We freely give smiles and wipe away tears. We remember that even on a day of extreme tragedy, there are heroes and miracles. We move forward with grace, love and care.

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